Aberfoyle to Callander: an early spring walk near the Highlands

It’s finally early spring in Scotland and sunny and bright outside — it’s time for a walk, but where to go? I visited the Firbush outdoor centre near Loch Tay in the Highlands last summer and I’m still impressed by the great scenery around it. Not far from that is the Trossachs region, known as a microcosm of highland landscapes and more accessible from Edinburgh for a day-trip.

Itinerary: Edinburgh --train--> Stirling --bus--> Aberfoyle -> (walk) Callendar --bus--> Stirling --train--> Edinburgh

1. Early Spring?

Plants have begun to blossom in Edinburgh and I was expecting a similar early spring scenery here, but not quite yet. However, the sky and the birds are certainly telling that spring is around the corner.


2. The landscape: waterfall, glen and loch

The route is along the border of Highlands, so waterfalls, glens and lochs are expected, and there is one each along this route. The rest are mostly woodlands and grasslands.
